I have to confess that I have many almost but not quite finished projects so it sure feels good to do something start to finish. In this case, I am talking about painting our barn. Thanks to helpful Grandparents, some great teamwork and an awesome paint sprayer we were able to get the whole project finished in a day and a half. Yah! Now at least when the rest of my house looks like a tornado hit it I can look out the window and enjoy a freshly painted barn!
As I was feeling so good about this finished project I got to thinking about why I put so much value in getting "stuff" done. I know that my worth is not in what I do but in who I am in Christ. Maybe it is because as a stay at home mom it is easy to feel like you are constantly chasing in circles after laundry, meals and cleaning while trying to look at the bigger picture of raising little ones that love Jesus and long to know Him more. It can feel like an overwhelming task at times. Thankfully God is full of grace! I try to remember that the process is more important that the product and that there is joy in the journey not just in the destination. It is good to keep goals in mind but it isn't always a straight road to reach them. I often find that God actually takes me on a completely different path than I would have chosen. He reminds me of where my priorities should be and that He is the perfecter and finisher. I guess my view of the nice red barn should be a reminder of this truth as opposed to a stroking of my own ego feathers.
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