Saturday, 3 September 2011


I have been watching with curiosity the growth of one of the pumpkins in our garden. It is the fruit of a runaway vine that has climbed and clung to the fencing in its pursuit of more sunshine. Interestingly, it began growing in the between the wires and now finds itself limited and strangled by those wires. I am not sure why i am so intrigued by this squash, but I am curious to see what will become of it- and the fencing it is fighting against. Will it continue to grow and become warped and contorted by the wire? Will the wire bend and snap under the pressure? Or, will this little pumpkin just whither and die?

I feel like this plant is a parallel to many of our human issues. We struggle to find our own path yet become strangled by the very things we thought would give us freedom and fulfillment. So, what wire fence am I climbing? What external supports am I attempting to wrap my tendrils around? If it is anything other than the Rock of Ages it is sure to fool me, fail me and leave me lifeless.

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