Here I sit enjoying a little break at a coffee shop (by myself), sipping on a warm and soothing cup of chai. Mmmm. My hubby volunteered to solo the after supper clean-up and bed time so that I could get out for a bit. I came here hoping to do some planning for the fast approaching school year and to read my bible without distraction.
On my drive here I had some time to pray silently and to ask God what He would desire for my children this year. I have 3 kids school age this year so I want to start the year somewhat organized and with at least a rough plan of our goals for each subject. Most of my books have already arrived and our school room is looking neater than it ever has!! Still, I find myself asking "so I have the book curriculum but how do I really teach my kids to love Jesus and desire to serve Him"? I often hear people talking about character development of their children. Sounds great. So I prayed to God as I drove asking Him to direct me to curriculum or studies that would help us with character development.
His answer came to me as I sifted through blogs and articles online with sweet chai spice still on my tongue and warm in my tummy. "I don't want children with good character, I want children who love me. Character is the fruit, we first of all need a healthy tree. Jesus did not come to change the outward but to renew the inward." I know that there isn't a workbook or a curriculum that will satisfy this. I need to rely on His word in the bible and daily prayer and submission to His spirit. He wants more than boxes checked off and learning outcomes satisfied, He wants all of us.
love it.