Monday, 1 August 2011

Not just a bunch of round pegs

Sun, friends, family and laughter. That is what a good summer day is made of. Yesterday was filled with those things and I went to bed thankful and satisfied. My kids went to bed dirty but happy.

Playing and having fun with people that enjoy each other's company, quirks and all, is something that I really appreciate. Letting my kids be themselves and relax isn't always "acceptable". I am not talking about letting my children be rude or disrespectful of others but of being able to celebrate our own uniqueness. Not everyone understands this perspective, but parents of non- typical kids certainly know what I am talking about. It is more about realizing that God has given us each our own unique way of perceiving and interpreting the world around us. One person may be enthralled by the bee buzzing on the flowers, another by the passing vehicles, and another may not notice either as they carry on a conversation with a friend. If you look around at a picnic you might notice that people can enjoy the same event in very different ways. Some people favour the food, others the games and others the people. Others may struggle to figure out how to fit into the bustle of activity, what is appropriate and how to participate.

Having a child with autism spectrum disorder is a blessing in this sense because it opens your eyes to the beauty of diversity. It shows you that square pegs don't need to be forced into round holes- the Lord created square pegs for their own specific purpose. We can appreciate one another's uniqueness and laugh at our own blunders. Next time you are with someone that is a square peg, be thankful. Learn from each other and accept each other- after all, maybe you're not such a perfectly round peg yourself.


  1. a good reminder. I love your perspective on life Sarai, I can see that you are longing after Gods heart.

  2. I am still holding out for the round and square peg option- don't want to commit.
